
9 Positive Ways to Talk to Your Child

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Conversing with your young one is a daily incident. But, let us confront it, as parents we are occupied and it is simple to keep the conversation with our children to the minimum so we can move on to the next activity on our “to-do” plans. There is room for light conversation on an everyday basis but there are also those situations when your child wants you to tune in and listen to them in depth. Your child won’t speak about this, but he or she wants you to look into their inner life from time to time to catch on to his/her beliefs and concerns. This will not only help them and create more sense of their emotions, but it will also improve your relationship with them. They will automatically sense that you get to know them better because you made the time and energy to care and listen to their concerns. Here are ways to talk to your child that can help you skillfully tune in during those situations when your child requires your complete attention.


Positive Ways to Talk to Your Child


1. Active Listening:


Active Listening, ways to talk to your child


Active listening makes it easier for children to feel heard and understood. With the help of gestures such as cheering smiles and supporting nods, you can build trust that you are involved with what your child is expressing and care for them. Kneeling to the same eye level as your child as they talk to you can help them feel secure r and more attached to you.

Prove to them that you are listening carefully to what they have to tell by asking them questions such as “what?” “why?” and “how?”. This also facilitates personality development for kids and helps them get better in their communication skills by instructing them on how to narrate a story and what facts to include.


2. Reflective Listening:


Reflective Listening


The best way to demonstrate to your child that you are showing interest and paying attention and caring about what they have to express is by enacting it like a mirror. Say it again back to what they say to you using other words. For instance, if your kid says, “I’m not playing with superman/barbie anymore,” you could reply with, “You are not going to have fun with your best friend?”. This gives space for your child to convey their emotions without judging. You possibly will be astonished at how much they have to express their feelings!




3. Speaking Clearly:


Speaking clearly


Make use of language that is clear for your child and correct for their age. Be positive, and on-point, and do not practice offensive words. Speaking in a kind language helps in establishing a positive example for your kid. Be careful, the conversation between you and your kid should make your little one feel respected and treasured.


4. Avoiding Bribes:


Avoiding bribes


Giving rewards such as candy or toys for vital behaviors may make you believe that they give you short-term command over them, but they restrict you to develop clear boundaries and can end up in distrust between you and your young one. Try to fix understandable and rational expectations about what you would wish your child to do, encourage good behavior when you notice it, and make a habit of calm outcomes to encourage improvised behavior when required.


Visit: tips for parent teacher meeting


5. Using ‘noticing’ Statements:


Using ‘noticing’ statements, ways to talk to your child


When you applaud your child for certain actions, it helps them to feel better about themselves and lets them understand what behaviors you expect. Rather than saying “good job!” try being more particular with a ‘noting statement’: “I observed that you put away all of your playing stuff after play hour. Nice work!”


“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.”

Matthew Jacobson


6. Having Fun Together:


Having fun together, ways to talk to your child


As your children are growing into an adult, parenting can look like a more critical task. That is why it is essential to play together and appreciate light-hearted conversation – it is the best way to make your relationship stronger! Search for ways to connect to your child by saying something positive about anything they care about, being concerned about their interests, and joking around with them. Keep in mind that, laugh with your kid but certainly not at your child.



7. Explaining Feelings:


Explaining feelings


To support your child, and acquire emotional intelligence, they need to understand how to label their feelings. When your kid is conveying their feelings verbally, listen to them carefully about what they have to tell with empathy and without judging them. Think of what life appears to be, from their point of view. If your young one is expressing their emotions by a nonverbal means –for instance, by the way of a temper outburst or laughing and having fun accomplishing an activity they love – help them express words to how they feel, for example happy, sad, stress-free, hurt, afraid, hungry, proud, sleepy, annoyed, helpless, irritated, nervous or thrilled. The top personality development school teaches students to express their emotions through the activities they love to do.



8. Focusing on Behavior:


Focusing on behavior


If you are disappointed with your child about an issue, be careful that your criticism and comments are towards their behavior and not at them as a human. Let’s look at an example, rather than saying “I don’t like that you are untidy” try saying “I don’t like it when you scatter your toys all over the floor.”


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9. Leading by Example:


Leading by example, ways to talk to your child


Think of what example you are setting. Mothers and fathers are children’s preface to the world. What your young one sees you do is as significant as what they hear you say. Just make a promise to your kid that you are 100% sure you can keep. This allows you to build and maintain faith between you and your children.


Visit: parenting tips for sensitive child


Remember, directing with kindness and love is always the way to talk to your child and a method to go when bonding and communicating with your child!


For more beneficial read on parenting, visit parentsstuff

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